
The Malaysia Productivity Corporation (MPC)
The Malaysia Productivity Corporation (MPC) which was formerly known as the National Productivity Corporation was established in 1962 as a joint project between the United Nations Special Fund and the Federal Government, with the International Labour Organisation acting as its executing agency.
In 1966, the National Productivity Council (Incorporation) Act No. 408 was passed making the Centre an autonomous body. It was later amended as the National Productivity Council (Incorporation) (Amendment) Act A305 1975, to cater for expansion of the Centre`s role. This act was subsequently amended as the National Productivity Centre (Incorporation) (Amendment) Act A801 1991. With the Act coming into effect on 1 December 1991, the National Productivity Council became the National Productivity Corporation. Until recently, with effect from 21st February 2008 National Productivity Corporation (NPC) is now officially known as Malaysia Productivity Corporation (MPC). YB Minister of International Trade and Industry (MITI) had signed the document enforcing National Productivity Corporation Act (Incorporated) (Amended) 2008 and set February 21, 2008 as the effective date of the said act. In keeping with the expanded role of the corporation, the act is now known as Malaysia Productivity Corporation Act (Incorporated) 1966. In accordance with the provisions under Section 7 of the Act, the functions of the Corporation are as follows:
- To lead in the promotion and dissemination of productivity related information and issues;
- To establish an information and reference centre for productivity indices for the country and for management systems and case studies;
- To generate local expertise in the field of productivity, quality, management and entrepreneurship;
- To enhance the development of human resource both at the supervisory and management levels in the country;
- To advise on and coordinate the implementation of programmes and activities related to productivity and quality;
- To assess and certify supervisory and management training programmes, entrepreneurship programmes and productivity and quality management programmes conducted by the private sector for the public;
- To conduct training or other programmes relating to productivity, quality, management and entrepreneurship;
- To provide consultancy services relating to productivity, quality, management and entrepreneurship;
- To collect, produce and publish information on productivity, quality, management and entrepreneurship and other related matters;
- To carry on business undertakings for the purpose of the discharge of its functions under this Act with the approval of the Minister;
- To report annually to the Minister on the progress and problems of raising productivity in commerce and industry and to make recommendations on the manner in which such problems may be dealt with; and
- To do such matters and things as may be incidental to or consequential upon the discharge of its functions under the Act.